Monday, August 20, 2012


“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see…And without faith it is impossible to please God… yet none of them received what had been promised.  God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect….”

 Hebrews 11:1,6,39-40

She left with a lot more baggage than she came with.  She was just as beautiful as the day she arrived.  And she cried just as much, just not as loudly.  She is strong, smart, and capable.  I love her persistence and her idealism.  I can’t wait to see who she is when she comes home for Christmas.  Because I cannot go with her to watch out for her or protect her any longer, I ponder a few things about faith.  It…

…is being certain of what we do not see

…trusts when we do not receive

…makes it possible to please God

The quality and character of God is more important than the quantity of my faith.  God, who entrusted Lissy to me to begin with, is capable and trustworthy to care for her in the future.  He doesn’t need me to check on him or to give him instruction, but to believe that he will come through for her as he has done for me.  As my relationship with my daughter goes long-distance, my relationship to God grows one step closer.  I knew I needed his help to raise her, and I need it even more to let her go graciously.  I know she is his, only on loan to me for the blink of an eye (was it really 18 years?).  So I gave her back this week, knowing that God is able to provide for her, to protect her, to cushion her heart, to challenge her, to give her wisdom, and to meet each and every one of her needs (which is something I could never do anyway).

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